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MySelf MyHealth

Art Direction: Erin Pascal and Ryan Tate

Copywriting: Erin Pascal

Motion Graphics: Erin Pascal and Ryan Tate

Videography and Editing: Ryan Tate

Graphic Design: Erin Pascal


The Ask

Hennepin County started their MySelf MyHealth initiative to connect young adults with sexual health information and accessible clinic options. The client wanted the brand reimagined to resonate more with their audience, empower youth to take control of their sexual health, and ground the campaign in clear, factual messaging.



Sex isn't a bad word. It can be awkward or embarrassing for teens to talk about sex. This campaign approach destigmatizes discussions around sexual health by breaking down barriers and addressing the topic head on.

Bright hand drawn elements are paired with photo and video of real teens and young adults from the county. Concepts and creative were shared with these focus group attendees for feedback throughout the entire process.

MSMH Poster Mockups.png

Social Ads

Resource Booklet

Clinic Guide Front and Back Mockup.png
Clinic Guide Interior Mockup 2.png
Clinic Guide Map Mockup.png

YouTube Bumper

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